Are true friends hard to find? What makes friends special?
We all have friends and many of us appreciate friendship. We all need to have true friends and many of us do have close and best friends, but let me ask you what makes a friend a true friend? What separates a true friend from an acquaintance?
Friendship is one of the most important relationships that we develop in our lives. While it might be easy to make friends, it could be difficult to find friends who would be true to the friendship during the hardships that we encounter in life. Despite the fact that we all have parents and relatives, yet many people rely on friends for spending time together.
John and Mike grew up together and have been best friends since childhood in the country side. One day, after returning from school, they got into heated debate about politics. Suddenly after the debate got heated, in a moment of anger, John slapped Mike. Mike stared at his friend, then wrote on sand "Today my best friend slapped me." They resumed walking. When they wanted to cross the river, which was overflowing, Mike fell in the water. John without thinking about it, helped Mike get out of the water. Then, Mike wrote on a rock, "My best friend rescued me."
John couldn't understand what Mike was doing, so he asked Mike why he wrote on the sand when he slapped him and wrote on the rock when he saved him? Mike explained that true friend should forget the wrong doings done by their friends and always remember the positive which is exactly what he did.
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